실생활영어를 자연스럽게 배우기에 좋은 미드영어공부, 추천미드 페어런트후드입니다. 페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본과 영어단어정리가 있으니 각 에피소드들을 보며 영어회화 공부하시는데 도움되셨으면 좋겠습니다.
Day 1
What relevant experience do you have that qualifies you for this job? Where do you see yourself in two years? I'd really like to manage, so I'm hoping that I'll be on track to do that. *as cheesy as it sounds 유치하게 들리겠지만 As cheesy as it sounds, I think that life is just way too short to do anything other than what you love. Did you have your eyes closed? *follow through (이미 시작한 일을) 다 끝내다, 마무리짓다 -to complete or carry out a plan, promise, or commitment +) I'm trying to follow through with my New Year's resolutions. We've gotta follow it through. *sleazy 행실이 지저분한 It does not make us sleazy if we hire a pretty girl. *eye candy 눈요기, 눈호강 It would not kill us to have a little eye candy up front. *dry spell 권태기, 불황기(스포츠선수의 득점, 사업의 부진, 일반인의 취미나 직업의 침체를 느낄 때) We're just experiencing the usual dry spell after a pregnancy. *initiate 주도하다, 개시되게 하다, 착수시키다 (=set in motion) The man can't initiate things. It can go on for months. *be up against sth~ (문제나 곤경 따위에) 당하다, 직면하다 You don't know what I'm up against here. *rule sb/sth out ~을 배제하다 (=exclude), ~을 제외시키다 We can't rule her out. *detrimental 해로운 Is it, like, gonna be detrimental to his recovery? just a heads-up, we're babysitting on Friday night. *golly 야, 와(놀람을 나타냄) *stomping grounds 잘 가는 곳, 집합장소 It's your stomping grounds.
I'm up to it. 콜, 좋아, 나 하고싶다!
Day 2
I'm actually off to work, so see you later. I'm doing this for me, just so we're clear. Are you gonna stay for dinner? *pop by = stop by I just popped by to see you. *shun 피하다 *shunned 따돌림당하는 무시당하는 She feels shunned, slighted. She didn't seem like she was interested in going at all. *follow through (이미 시작한 일을) 다 끝내다, 마무리짓다
-to complete or carry out a plan, promise, or commitment She makes a commitment, she follows through.
We've gotta follow it through.(Day 1) +) I'm trying to follow through with my New Year's resolutions. I think her feelings are hurt, to tell you the truth, is what happened. I don't want your feelings to be hurt. *shake on it …에 동의하여 악수하다 That's all I'm askin'. Shake on it. I have not been keeping you under wraps. I have been saving you from having to deal with it. Come pull up a chair and join us. Gotta go upstairs and get settled in anyway. Sorry, I meant to tell you this. He is staying at my place just for a little while. This is about him and you feeling he's encroaching. *rise above 초월하다 초연하다 You gotta just rise above, and not just for his sake, but for your own. We were cooped up in the house, I was just like, "I gotta get out." She said that everything was covered. I don't want to keep you, I just got a lot of stuff to do.
Day 3
We might as well tell everyone so no one get confused. I'm being dead serious. We're more than happy to watch the kids, really. you just gotta show up. I just wanted to have an excuse to check up on you. Can you please resist the urge to mock me? What'd you get out of him? *hairy 아슬아슬한 Just every hairy detail of his first kiss. It has to do with your whole sense of being a family again. I picture the two of us... Together. *cleavage 갈라진 틈 *unmissable 놓칠 수 없는 *compromising 낯뜨거운 That was a very compromising position. You look flush. It looked like she was helping you out.
Day 4
*self-conscious (남들과 비교해서 주로 외모, 재력, 능력 등이 남들보다 못하다고 생각해 소심해져서 남들 앞에 나서는 것을 꺼리는 정도가 지나칠 때 사용) 남의 시선을 의식하는,꺼리는, 소심한; 자의식이 강한 I just feel really self-conscious in it. When I come home, and it's just like this big ordeal. *break out the big guns 결정적인 것을 내놓다 So you need to break out the big guns. I happen to be somewhat of an expert on football. I'm the one that gets to see his face light up. I'm the one who gets to relive that moment for the rest of my life, not you. I just swapped out the hardware. *swap out 교환하다 It's the least I could do. Got some good news, I think I found a pretty great apartment downtown, not too far from your mom. *lead 정보, 실마리, 단서 *get a lead on a job 일자리에 대한 정보를 얻다[발견하다] I got a lead on a job givin' guitar lessons. 기타레슨을 가르치는 일에 대한 정보를 얻었다. I want to set down some roots, and, I don't know, start over? *hot shot (특정분야에서) 잘나가는 사람, 엄청 잘나가는 사람, 핫한 사람 This not hot shot here. +) There are so many hot shot stars created by Park. +) The hot shot scientist turned himself into a con artist. *on that note (이야기를 하다가 다른 주제로 넘어갈 때) 그런데, 말 나온 김에 (마무리할 때) 이쯤하고, 그럼 Well, we should probably get a drink, on that note, so... +) On that note, we should now move on. +) On that note, the new Annie is really growing on me. You know, when you guys first met, she was on the fence. You get sent to the principal's office for that? Everyone was supposed to be in class. *latecomer 지각하는[늦게 오는] 사람 These were two late comers. *hold court 좌중의 시선을 끌다. 좌중을 압도하다, 사람들을 즐겁게 해주다 And here you are now, eight years later, holding court. I don't know about holding court.
Day 5
*peck 가벼운 키스; 쪼다 쪼아먹다 Did you have one?I had a couple. They're crispy, yet tender. I was wondering what happened to you. *mortifying 굴욕적인, 분한 It was mortifying, okay? I'm feeling insecure enough as it is. *for what it's worth 그냥 내 생각일 뿐이지만, 도움이 될지 모르겠지만 You know, for what it's worth, though? You could just see yourself the way that I see you. *horny 흥분한 *rascal 악동, 악당 *get in the way 방해하다 I'm gettin' in the way, aren't I? *barge 밀치고 가다 (=push) *barge into …와 마주치다, (난폭하게) …와 부딪치다 You just barged right into my place of work, I figured I owed it to you to do the same. I understand where you're comin' from. So, like it or not, I am going to be in your boy's life. We started talkin' on the phone again after all this time. He offered me a job and a place to live. That's a long way away, but I'm gonna get down here as much as I can. I just need a fresh start. You're the only one who didn't give up on me.