
NPR Podcast 

Americans love shrimp. But U.S. shrimpers are barely making ends meet


*make ends meet 수입과 지출의 균형을 맞추다

*barely make ends meet 겨우겨우 살아가다

Americans love shrimp. But U.S. shrimpers are barely making ends meet.

*seemingly 겉보기엔, 외견상으로는

*contradictory 모순되는 (=conflicting)

Think about these two seemingly contradictory facts.

*by far 단연코, 훨씬, 월등히  

*crustacean [krʌˈsteɪʃn] 갑각류

This crustacean is by far America's favorite seafood

*peril 위험, 위기

Protect them from the dangers of wind and rain and all the perils of the deep. 

*ambiance 분위기

A pair of church ladies provides the proper ambiance. 

*account for (부분·비율을) 차지하다, 설명하다 (=explain)

In the 1980s, domestic shrimp accounted for half of U.S. consumption. 

*outfitting (특히 항해 따위의) 채비, 준비, 장구

Raising shrimp in a pond is considerably cheaper than outfitting a shrimp boat. 

*work one’s ass/butt off 엄청나게 노력하다, 열심히 하다, 죽도록 일하다

We're working our asses off.

+) I worked my ass off to get here.

    내가 여기까지 오기까지 얼마나 노력했는데.

+) He worked his butt off to get that promotion.

    그는 승진을 위해서 정말 열심히 일했어.

+) I’ve been working my ass off on this test, but I think I screwed it up.

    내가 진짜 이 시험을 위해 얼마나 열심히 공부했는데 망친 거 같아. 

I caught up with Cuevas at his uncle's seafood restaurant.

*grueling 녹초로 만드는

This work is grueling and dangerous.

*break even 본전치기하다

He'll be lucky if they break even this year.

*ward off 보호하다, 방지하다

The FDA rejects foreign shipments contaminated with residues of unsafe drugs that some shrimp farms use to ward off disease.

*mom-and-pop 영세한, 소규모의

There'll always be a mom-and-pop operation

*overhead (비용이) 간접비

Well, they don't have any overhead. 

PORT ISABEL, Texas — The skiff glides through the harbor as the Catholic priest squirts holy water from a plastic bottle onto the colorful hulls of the shrimp boats just off the southernmost tip of Texas.

The annual blessing of the shrimp fleet is overshadowed this year by the painful reality that half of all the vessels getting a benediction will stay tied up. Shrimp remains America's favorite seafood, yet the rugged livelihood of catching shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico is a dying industry. Gulf shrimpers are facing a perfect storm of expensive diesel fuel, an acute shortage of workers and a flood of cheap imported shrimp.


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Americans love shrimp. But U.S. shrimpers are barely making ends meet


Americans love shrimp. But U.S. shrimpers are barely making ends meet

Many Americans don't realize the cheap, plentiful shrimp they buy in the market and order in restaurants is driving U.S. shrimpers out of business.




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