PUBLIC HEALTH Even the meaning of the word 'abortion' is up for debate
*up for sth ~을 위해 내놓은, (어떤 활동을) 기꺼이 하려고 하는, 고려되고 있는 Even the meaning of the word 'abortion' is up for debate The public doesn't really agree on what the word means Our biggest takeaway is that people do not hold sort of a shared standard definition of what is and isn't an abortion. *ambiguity 애매모호함, 불명확함 There's a lot of nuance and ambiguity in sort of how people are thinking about these issues and understanding these issues. Their doctor recommends having the fetus removed. *intervention 간섭, 개입,중재 We consider that as sort of miscarriage intervention. *contraception 피임 = birth control *fetal(a) 태아의 *anomaly 이상, 기형, 변칙, 이례 VandeVusse says intent was key when respondents were thinking through these scenarios. *unfold 전개하다, 진행되다 She says many respondents seemed unsure about how pregnancy works and how complications can unfold. We don't speak openly about a lot of reproductive experiences, *reproductive 생식[번식]의 *count 간주되다, 인정해주다, 점수로 계산하다 What counts as an abortion has huge implications for abortion restrictions and what kind of reproductive care is swept up in those laws. the public's varying views on what counts as an abortion What counts as an abortion has huge implications for abortion restrictions *sheds light on 에 해결의 빛을 던지다; 새로운 정보를 주다; [일]을 보다 분명하게 하다, 해명[설명]하다 It sheds light on how important these terms are People don't say abortion at all and instead say intentional feticide.
For all that abortion is talked about in hospitals, courts, legislatures and the media, it turns out the public doesn't really agree on what the word means, a new survey finds.
The study by the Guttmacher Institute, a group that supports abortion rights, questioned people about a series of situations showing various circumstances in a pregnancy. Researchers asked: Is this an abortion? Yes, no or maybe?
"Our biggest takeaway is that people do not hold a shared standard definition of what is and isn't an abortion," says lead author Alicia VandeVusse. "We found that there's a lot of nuance and ambiguity in how people are thinking about these issues and understanding these issues."