대본이 있는 미드영어, 페어런트후드 시즌 3입니다. 에피소드를 월-금요일까지 나누어 매일 알맞은 분량에 집중해서 공부합니다.
Day 1
He's in bed with a very pregnant Kristina.
*bladder [ˈblædə(r)] 방광
'Cause mom is mom and you are you and so you can't make them the exact same way.
*collate (여러 출처에서 정보를) 수집·분석하다, (종이나 페이지를) 순서대로 모으다[맞추다]
Keep the fight up.
*esplanade[ˌespləˈneɪd] (흔히 도시 내의 바닷가나 강가) 산책로, 둔치
This developer is trying to squash my esplanade.
He doesn't know who he's dealing with.
I'm on it. 내가 알아서 해
*interject [|ɪntər│dʒekt] 말참견을 하다
*interject into …에 불쑥 끼여들다
I'm trying to interject some personality into this.
Let me start over.
*goodish 괜찮은 편인, 꽤 좋은, 상당한
It had to happen sometime. This is kinda what people do.
*crack 마약 중 하나 크랙 코카인
*go with (함께) 잘 어울리다 (=match)
it'll go with the haircut anyway.
*be up and coming (사람이) 원기 왕성하다, (거리 따위가) 활기에 넘치고 있다, 진취적이다
It's actually an up and coming neighborhood now, you know?
*ahead of the curve 시대에 앞서서, 유행에 앞서서
I'm ahead of the curve. 저는 시대에 앞서 있어요.
what's the place like? let me go with you.
*molar [│moʊlə(r] 어금니
he might have to take out his molar to make room for the new tooth that's poking through.
Day 2
*filth 오물, (아주 더러운) 쓰레기
Honey, paint couldn't get the four inches of filth.
There's like a cloud that came up.
Excuse me, calm down. Let's not cry about it.
I'm feeling tortured because this line is taking forever. Speed it up.
*look out for somebody (~에게 나쁜 일이 생기지 않도록) ~를 보살피다, ~에 주의하다
Max is just looking out for me.
+) You should look out for yourself from now on.
이제부터는 당신 자신만을 생각해야 해요.
*sloppy 단정하지 않은, 멋이 없는
*glove compartment (= glove box ) (자동차 앞좌석 앞에 있는) 사물함
Look in the glove compartment.
*juggle things around …의 위치[차례]를 (요리조리) 바꾸다
+) We need to juggle things around. 우리는 일들을 조정할 필요가 있다.
I got to juggle a few things around but I can be there.
I'm looking forward to meeting you too.
*distribute (상품을) 유통시키다, 나누어 주다, 분배[배부]하다
I love beverages, and you know, they need to be distributed.
*laggy (컴퓨터 프로그램이나 인터넷 접속 등의) 응답이 느린
I need some caffeine though. I'm feeling so laggy, that afternoon thing, you know.
+) Why is it so laggy here? 여기 왜 이렇게 느려?
+) It can't get laggy! 렉 걸리면 안 되는데?
*bring someone into (어떤 일에 끌어들여) 참여하게 하다
*have something on the brain 머리 속에 온통 ~ 생각뿐이다
I just have babies on the brain because my husband and I have been trying for a second.
I beg to differ. 제 생각은 좀 다릅니다, 저는 견해를 달리 합니다, 외람되지만 찬성할 수 없습니다
-누가 방금 한 말에 대해 정중히 반대의 뜻을 밝힐 때
-누군가와 동의하지 않는다는 것을 정중하게 강조
*put down a deposit 보증금을 걸다
I drove back and put down a deposit.
*haphazard [hæp|hæzərd] 무계획적인, 되는 대로의
+) The government’s approach to the problem was haphazard.
그 문제에 대한 정부의 접근법은 무계획적이었다.
+) The monster devoured everything in a haphazard way.
괴물은 닥치는 대로 모든 걸 먹어치웠다.
What's so bad about living here?
*suffocate 질식사하다, 질식사하게 하다, (날씨가) 숨이 막히다[숨 막히게 덥다]
Because I feel like I disappointed everybody, and I feel suffocated.
That's the way that it is. 세상이 원래 그런 거죠, 그게 원래 그런 거죠.
*regional distributors 지역의 분배하는 곳, 보급소, 배부처, 유통업체
And it's certainly less than what I'm accustomed to, but I can make that work.
*start out (특정한 의도를 가지고) 시작하다[처음에는 …하려 하다]
I'm ready to start out there.
Day 3
*pesky[ˈpeski] 성가신, 귀찮은
*in the way 방해가 되어
It was just these pesky library books that were standing in the way now.
That's what they all say. 다들 그렇게 말하지.
*step-down 단계적으로 감소하는, 체감하는
A couple of months ago I wouldn't even considered it.
So when do I get to see you again?
*bring someone into (어떤 일에 끌어들여) 참여하게 하다
I'm running out of things to say so I'm sorry I brought you into it.
I got this under control. 내가 알아서 할게.
I got this covered./handled 내가 직접 하겠다, 해결하겠다
It came up for lease. 임대로 나왔어.
+) The lease comes up for renewal at the end of the month.
그 차용 계약은 이달 말이면 갱신할 때가 된다
We should go into business together, you and me.
It's in the cosmos, all of a sudden you have this job.
I'm being serious. You would be the perfect right brain to my left brain.
I haven't figured all that out yet.
What kind of initial income do you anticipate?
*stumble 발이 걸리다, 발을 헛딧다
*stumble into ~를 우연히 만나다, 우연히 관여하게 되다
You can't just stumble into this.
*clientele[ˌklaɪənˈtel] (어떤 기관·상점 등의) 모든 의뢰인들[고객들]
Great, I will have the usual.
*presumptuous [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] 주제넘은, 건방진
I overstepped my boundaries.
You know, I'd, the truth is I don't really know what to say about it because I'm not keeping it, so it's just kind of easier not to think about it.
*come through 거쳐오다, (약속대로 무엇을) 해내다[완수하다]
I see a lot of kids come through here and they graduate and they go right to college, and they're not even close to being ready for it.
*Not even close 전혀 아니에요, 전혀 그렇지 않아요, 근처에도 못 갔어요, 아직 멀었어요.
*a blessing in disguise (문제인 줄 알았던 것이 가져다 준) 뜻밖의 좋은 결과[이득], 전화위복/새옹지마
*out of nowhere 갑자기, 뜬금없이
It just came out of nowhere.
*act out 벗어나는 행동을 하다, 선을 넘는 행동을 하다
*relapse(병의) 재발[악화], (이전 상태로나아지다가 안 좋은 상태로) 다시 빠지다[되돌아가다]
*sobriety[səˈbraɪəti] 술에 취하지 않은 상태, 맨 정신,냉철함, 진지함
I wish I was as honest with myself as you.나도 너만큼 나 자신에게 정직했으면 좋겠어.
Hey, you're going 20 miles under the speed limit. You need to go faster.
*flakey <행동 따위가> 파격적인; 제정신이 아닌, 미친; <머리가> 혼란한; 마약을 상용하는
*vanish (갑자기·불가사의하게) 사라지다, 없어지다
*hold something back ~을 비밀로 하다[말하지 않다], (감정을) 누르다[참다]
Something's holding you back though.
*take over (기업 등을) 인수하다
Crosby had this crazy idea to take over this old recording studio.
*implode 자체적으로 파열되다, 폭파하여 안쪽으로 붕괴하다, 결딴나다
They'd be so crazy not to.
It's a lot less money than we need.
*nil (특히 경기에서) 0[영점] (=zero)
*cushion's nil 금전적인 여유나 안정성을 의미하는 재정적인 예비자금이나 안전망을 은유적으로 표현 쿠션이나 여유자금이 없음
Day 4
And you never flip another man's burger. That's for starters.
She came by unannounced. Just popped in.
*be eyeing 눈독을 들뜨다
I'm eyeing the gal from Pizza Hut.
Better late than never.
Sorry I had some errands to run.
I don't mean to be, but she could've, like, texted or, you know, something.
*loosen up 긴장을 풀다 (= to make oneself less tense)
We gotta loosen you up.
*cocoon 보호막, ~을 (~에 싸서) 보호하다
*slurp down 들이마시다, 후루룩 홀짝 마시다, 후루룩하는 소리를 내다
You gotta slurp it down.
*look it up 찾아보다, 검색해보다
I looked it up on the computer.
*jump in (제대로 생각해 보지도 않고) 덜컥 시작부터 하다
People are afraid to jump in.
It's really nice they have each other.
*confide in somebody ~에게 비밀[속마음]을 털어놓다
I'm confiding in you. Be nice.
I think I'm going to set a record.
*plastered [ˈplæstərd] 술이 취한
You're plastered.
Listen, can't you just stay through the cake? We're gonna have the cake.
I stayed as long as I could.
*put off 싫어하게 만들다, 정떨어지게 하다, ~에 대한 흥미[열의]를 잃게 만들다
+)It puts me off = It’s off putting
이게 널 싫어지게 한거야?
+) He was put off science by bad teaching.
그는 잘못된 가르침 때문에 과학에 흥미를 잃었다.
+) Don’t be put off by how it looks—it tastes delicious.
겉모양만 보고 그것을 싫어하진 마. 아주 맛있어.
Is that what put you off?
*inconsiderate] 못마땅함 사려깊지 못한
You're riding me with all this stuff.
In theory, the best years of my life are in front of me.
Day 5
I'm a little mad. You knew I was coming to get you and you're drunk.
*tuck somebody in ~에게 이불을 잘 덮어 주다
+) Let me tuck you in. 내가 이불 덮어줄게.
+) Will you tuck me in? 나 이불 덮어줄래?
I'll be right there to tuck you in.
She just stopped by, it was not planned.
*hook up with ~와 놀아나다, ~와 어울리다
I just think in the future you could be a little more careful about who you hook up with for his sake.
I should not even be thinking about it.
*bail somebody out ~에 대한 보석금을 내다, ~를 (곤경에서) 구하다, 궁지를 탈출하다
Thanks for bailing me out. I'll pay you back as soon as I can.
+) He bailed his team out with a goal in the last minute.
그는 일분을 남겨두고 골을 넣고 팀을 구제했다.
*press charges 고발하다, 기소하다 ((against))
The parents of the kid that you hit intend to press charges.
What do you remember about it?
You don't remember it because you weren't there. You missed it.
All I could think about that whole night was you on the back of that motorcycle going around those hairpin turns in Big Sur.
She may even make the same mistakes that you did.
*land on one's feet 난관을 극복하다 역경 후 잘 자리를 잡다
-성공하다 힘든 일이 지나간 후 좀 더 좋은 상황에 자리를 잡게 되거나 성공하는 경우
But Amber's gonna land on her feet.
*belated 뒤늦다, 때늦다
+) I gave her a belated birthday present.
나는 그녀에게 뒤늦은 생일선물을 주었다.
+) It's like a belated cold?
이제 늦 추위라고 할까?
*sitar 시타르(기타 비슷한 남아시아 악기)
*sacred [ˈseɪkrɪd] 성스러운, 종교적인, 신성시되는
*a restraining order 가처분 명령, 금지 명령
Those are the restraining orders.
It was the most dangerous thing I've ever done.
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 1화 대본