8월 한 달간 'When You Trap a Tiger 호랑이를 덫에 가두면'을 함께 읽었습니다. 매직북클럽, 8월의 책은 2021년 뉴베리 메달 수상자, 아시아/태평양 어린이 문학상 수상자, 뉴욕 타임즈 베스트 셀러 1위에 빛나는 When You Trap a Tiger 호랑이를 덫에 가두면' 마지막 Day20입니다. 더운 8월에도 꾸준히 영어원서 챌린지에 동참해주신 매직북클럽 회원 여러분 수고 많으셨습니다. 9월에 Diary of a Wimpy Kid로 새롭게 만나요.
I half-moon my palms with my fingernails, and I sit on the gray hospital chair beside the bed.(42-270p)
-손톱으로 손바닥에 반달 모양을 만들 정도로 주먹을 꽉 쥔 모습
*skritch 쓰르륵
*twitch 미세하게 움직이다[떨리다]
Halmoni's hand twitches in a way that seems almost inhuman.(42-270p)
*eat somebody up (감정이) ~를 사로잡다
+) What's eating you? 무슨 안 좋은 일 있어요? 걱정 있어요?
+) It's eating me up inside. 그 일 때문에 너무 심란해요.
But when I keep it tight-tight, it eat me up.(42-270p)
Hope rages inside me, even though I try to stop it. Even though I know how dangerous it is.(42-271p)
*for a fraction of a second 아주 잠깐동안
*a flash of 한순간의, 일루의
For a fraction of a second, I see a flash of a tiger's face beneath her expression-(42-271p)
*make a grasping 움켜잡는 동작을 하다
*pluck 따다, 뽑다, 잡아당기다
She makes a grasping motion, as if she's plucking a star from the sky, and holds it out to me.(42-271p)
*edges of my mind 내 마음의 가장자리, 내 마음의 깊은 곳
*a story starts to form 이야기가 생겨나기 시작한다
At the edges of my mind, a story starts to form-it comes together from mist and shadow.(42-272p)
Chapter 43
*grow apart (서서히) 사이가 멀어지다
+) Sadly, after eight years of marriage they had grown apart. 애석하게도, 8년의 결혼 생활이 지난 뒤 그들은 점점 사이가 멀어졌다. +) We've grown apart, but I haven't forgotten you. 우리가 좀 소원해졌지만 난 너를 잊지 않을거야. +) Not only have we not grown apart, we are the same person. 우린 멀어지지 않았을 뿐 아니라, 예전과 똑같아.
Once, they'd shared everything, but over time, they'd grown apart-grown alone.(43-273p)
She got trapped in traffic. She got home late, much later than usual.(43-273p)
It may have been a trick of the dark, but they could not tell.(43-273p)
*take pity 불쌍히 여기다, 애처롭게 생각하다
A sky god saw them and took pity.(43-274p)
*as it turned out 알고 보니, 나중에 안 일이지만
Even the gods make mistakes, but as it turned out, the mistake hadn't been the tiger-girl at all.
The mistake was making her choose.(43-274p)
The second swell.(43-275p) 두번째 이야기가 시작된다.
* * *
*skritch 쓰르륵
*coarse 거친, 질긴
Now you can tell your own star stories, the sky tiger told them, her voice skritching like coarse fabric against their ears.(43-275p)
They told stories of their halmoni, who always wore sequins, and always saw her granddaughters. Who risked everything for happiness, and did anything to protect her family.(43-275p)
Chapter 44
*flutter (빠르고 가볍게) 떨리다, 흔들리다
Her eyes are closed and her pulse flutters, barely anything anymore.
This is the end. But it doesn't happen right away, not like in the movies.
Over the next few hours, her breath becomes softer and softer. We watch as she fades.
That she could be anything. that she was everytjing to us.
When I read the words, the threat of tears burns behind my eyes. I almost turn my phone off and hide beneath my covers.(45-281p) 그 단어를 읽으니 눈물이 날 것 같아 눈이 뜨겁다.
*rattles around 맴돌다, 생각이 맴돌다
An important date rattles around, and I see: tomorrow is the bake sale.(45-281p)
I have an idea, and for the first time all week, the heaviness in my chest lifts a little.(45-281p)
*trail 느릿느릿 걷다[따라가다]
Mom comes into the kitchen, with Sam trailing her.(45-281p)
For a moment, she looks too pained to speak, but she does.(45-282p)
"Even if things aren't perfect, they can still be good."(45-282p)
Chapter 46
*spread the word 말을 퍼뜨리다, 소식을 알리다, 말을 전하다
Ricky and Jensen have spread the word.(46-283p)
He isn't charging for the bake-sale-turned-kosa, of course.(46-283p)
Though maybe later we can discuss the break-in.(46-283p)
*intuition 직감 - 무언가에 대한 내재적이거나 설명할 수 없는 지식을 기반으로 한 느낌
They're a couple. They're a good match.(46-284p)
*wicker basket
*perk up (특히 질병·슬픔을 겪은 후에) 기운을 차리다[차리게 하다] (=brighten)
+) You’ll soon perk up. 곧 기운을 되찾을 거야. +) After a leisurely soak in the tub and dinner, you'll perk up again. 천천히 목욕이라도 하고 식사한다면 다시 기력이 생길 것이다
A small part of me perks up, smiles. And I'm not sure the smile reaches my face, but maybe this is how healing starts-small bits of happiness waking up inside you, until maybe one day it spreads through your whole self.(46-285p)
*cradle [ˈkreɪdl] 부드럽게 잡다[안다], 요람, 아기 침대
I slip out the heavy front doors and sit on the steps, cradling the muffins on my lap.(46-285p)
Right now, I feel infinte.(46-285p)
Ricky must have mixed the sugar up with the salt.(46-285p)
The enexpected flavor shocks a laugh out of me.(46-285p)
*deep down 마음 속으로는, 내심, 본심은
I keep expecting to hear her, or catch a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye. but I also know, deep down-she's gone.(46-286p)
I don't yet know the ending, but i will face my story as it changes and grow. Because of Halmoni, I can brave. I can be anything.(46-287p)
게시물 숙제와 영어공부
When You Trap a Tiger을 읽고, 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어·구문 5개를 골라 댓글로 올려주세요.