뉴욕 타임즈 베스트셀러 작가 니콜라스 스파크스의 소설, Dear John, 매직북클럽의 6월과 7월의 영어원서입니다. 블로그에 자세히 정리된 영어단어와 구문들을 보며 Day 1부터 매일 정해진 분량을 꾸준히 함께 읽어 보세요.
Dear John- Nicholas Sparks, Day 38(309-317p/ Ebook 112-114p)
Dear John 영어단어와 주요구문
*spent 지친, 피곤한
"I'm sorry," she said eventually, sounding spent. *put someone on the spot 어려운 상황에 놓다 “I don’t mean to put you on the spot.”
*pour out one's heart 마음을 쏟아내다, 자신의 깊은 감정이나 느낌을 솔직하게 표현하다 “I pour out my heart and all you do is say, ‘Good’?”
"내 마음을 쏟아내고 있는데, 너는 그냥 '좋아'라고만 말하는거야?" *surmise 추측하다, 추정하다 I didn’t hear the front door open, so I surmised that she had retreated to the living room.
*defiance [dɪˈfaɪəns] (공개적으로 하는) 반항[저항]
She was the one who’d sent the letter, she was the one who’d ended it. She was the one who got married. Were we supposed to pretend that none of those things had happened? *rainsplattered 비가 쳐서 물방울이 튀는 *defuse 완화시키다, 풀다
*cup 손으로 감싸다, 두 손으로 잡다 Savannah sat on the couch, cupping the glass of wine in her hands. *flash 번개가 번쩍이다 *rumble 우레 소리가 들리다 *long and low 꾸준한 저음의 소리로
“I know I shouldn’t be crying, but I can’t help it.” “It’s understandable,” “You’ve got a lot going on.”
In the silence, I listened to the sheets of rain batter the windowpanes. *taut 긴장된, 단단한, 어색하고 긴장된 I observed, grasping for words that would fill the taut silence.
At least, that’s the way it’s been lately. 최근에는 항상 그렇게 됐거든. *sit out (날씨가 나빠서) 밖에서 기다리다, 견딜 수 밖에 없다 Do you remember that storm we sat out? I felt a shiver of guilty anticipation about where all this might be leading.
I wanted her as much as I’d ever wanted anyone, but in the back of my mind, I knew Savannah wasn’t mine anymore.
“You want to know what I remember most?” "제일 기억나는 게 뭔지 알고 싶어?"
*stand out 빼어나다, 두드러지다
Nothing stands out. 아무것도 빼놓지 않고 기억하고 있어.
*keep one's voice steady 목소리를 차분하게 유지하다 *turn serious 진지해지다 *reflect on 심사숙고하다, 생각에 잠기다
She seemed to reflect on that before turning her eyes to me again.
“Easy for you to say. Trust me-they can get as cranky as people when they’re hungry."
*spent 기진맥진한, 힘든, 지친 By the time I finished, I was entirely spent and knew I’d never speak of it again. 이야기를 끝마칠 때쯤 나는 완전히 지쳐 있었고, 더는 그것에 대해 이야기하지 않을 것을 알고 있었다.
“When you scan the headlines or read the stories, most of the time, names of soldiers and cities in Iraq are just words. But to you, it’s personal . . . it’s real. Maybe too real.” "뉴스 제목을 훑어보거나 이야기를 읽을 때, 대부분의 경우, 이라크의 병사들과 도시들의 이름은 그저 단어들 뿐이야. 그러나 너에게는 개인적이고... 실감나는 것이지. 아마 너무나 현실적이지." “I wish you’d never had to go through all that.”
"It’s strange how fate works."
*turn out 결과적으로 되다 “Did you ever imagine that your life would turn out like it did?” "네 삶이 이렇게 될 거라 상상해 본 적이 있어?" *linger 남아있다, 오래 지속되다 *rediscover 다시 발견하다 *choose words with care 신중하게 말을 선택하다 I waited to answer, wanting to choose my words with care. *conflicted 갈등하는, 마음이 둘러싸인 *in common 공통점이 있는 "I was glad that you picked someone like him, because he’s a nice guy and you two have a lot in common, but then I was just . . . sad. We didn’t have that long to go. I would have been out of the army for almost two years now.”
대인배 Dear John, 덤덤히 말하면서도 얼마나 슬플까요.
*longing 그리움, 갈망, 열망 I was surprised by the look of longing on her face. *forlorn [fərˈlɔːrn] 쓸쓸해 보이는, 황량한, 버려진, 절망적인 Her expression was forlorn. *in a heartbeat 생각해 볼 것도 없이 당장, 순식간에, 당장에, 즉시
+) I called my mom and she came in a heartbeat.
엄마한테 연락을 드렸더니엄마가 한 걸음에 달려와주셨어요. +) If I was offered another job, I’d leave in a heartbeat. 내가 다른 직장을 제의받는다면 생각해 볼 것도 없이 당장 떠나겠다. +) However, news can change in a heartbeat. 하지만, 뉴스는 정말 빠른 시간 안에 바뀐다. "You really would have married me, wouldn’t you?” “In a heartbeat. And I still would if I could.” "넌 정말 나랑 결혼했을 거지?" "당장이라도 그렇게 할 거야. 그리고 지금도 그럴 거야." *loom (중요하거나 위협적인 일이) 곧 닥칠 것처럼 보이다, 압도적으로 느껴지다 *tremor 떨림, 진동 *elapse [ɪˈlæps] (시간이) 흐르다[지나다] (=go by) *dusk 황혼, 저녁 무렵 *prognosis [prɑːɡ|noʊsɪs] (의학적인) 예후, 예상, 전망
In the moments that elapsed, I felt the weight of Tim’s prognosis hanging over both of us.
*racing thoughts 빠르게 번뜩이는 생각들, 많은 생각들이 빠르게 떠오르는 상태 *morbid 불쾌하거나 불안한 주제에 대한, 어두운 생각들을 포함하는 My racing thoughts were morbid and wrong, but they were there nonetheless. I hated myself for even thinking about life after Tim, willing the thought away. 나는 불쾌하고 잘못된 생각이라는 것을 알면서도 마음속에 그런 생각들이 있음을 느꼈다.
Savannah knew what was coming but didn’t pull away. Not at first. As my lips neared hers, however, she turned quickly and the wine she was holding splashed onto both of us.
-이러면 불륜 막장 드라마 되는데요.
*curse [kɜːrs] 저주하다, 욕을 하다, 욕(설), 악담
*catch someone's eyes 누군가의 눈을 포착하다, 누군가의 눈을 바라보다 *parted 벌어진, 간격이 생긴 *exquisite [ɪkˈskwɪzɪt; ˈekskwɪzɪt] 뛰어난, 멋진, 아름다운 I lived to be a thousand, I would never forget how exquisite she looked at that moment.
이래서 천년의 사랑, 천년의 약속 등과 같은 노래가 나오나봐요. 남자들에게 첫사랑이란...
디어 존의 유용한 영어 문장과 외우고 싶은 단어정리
Dear John을 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어·구문 5개를 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
"I'm sorry," she said eventually, sounding spent.
“I don’t mean to put you on the spot.”
“I pour out my heart and all you do is say, ‘Good’?”
“I wish you’d never had to go through all that.”
"It’s strange how fate works." “Did you ever imagine that your life would turn out like it did?”
We didn’t have that long to go.
“In a heartbeat. And I still would if I could.”
My racing thoughts were morbid and wrong, but they were there nonetheless.
I lived to be a thousand, I would never forget how exquisite she looked at that moment.
*spent 지친, 피곤한, 기진맥진한, 힘든 *put someone on the spot 어려운 상황에 놓다
*pour out one's heart 마음을 쏟아내다, 자신의 깊은 감정이나 느낌을 솔직하게 표현하다 *surmise 추측하다, 추정하다
*defuse 완화시키다, 풀다
*long and low 꾸준한 저음의 소리로
*taut 긴장된, 단단한, 어색하고 긴장된
*stalling 시간을 끌다, 방해하다
*forlorn [fərˈlɔːrn] 쓸쓸해 보이는, 황량한, 버려진, 절망적인
*in a heartbeat 생각해 볼 것도 없이 당장, 순식간에, 당장에, 즉시
*elapse [ɪˈlæps] (시간이) 흐르다[지나다] (=go by) *dusk 황혼, 저녁 무렵 *prognosis [prɑːɡ|noʊsɪs] (의학적인) 예후, 예상, 전망
*morbid 불쾌하거나 불안한 주제에 대한, 어두운 생각들을 포함하는
*parted 벌어진, 간격이 생긴 *exquisite [ɪkˈskwɪzɪt; ˈekskwɪzɪt] 뛰어난, 멋진, 아름다운