단순히 '서다'라고 외우고 넘어가기엔 정말 다양한 상황에서 쓰이는 Stand의 실전 활용법 6개를 배워봅니다. 1탄에 이어 오늘 2탄에선 Where do you stand on~, stand to gain/lose, It stands to reason. 영어 초중급이라면 꼭 알아야 할 stand의 정확한 뉘앙스롸 일상 활용법을 구슬쌤의 강의와 함께 해 봅니다.
1. 참다, 견디다: I can't stand her. 2. 유효하다/변함없다: My offer still stands. 3. 시간이 멈춰버린 것 같아: Time stands still. 4. (특정한) 의견을 가지고 있다: Where do you stand on this issue? 5. ~하게 될 상황/입장이다: They stand to lose a lot of money from this. 6. ~라고 판단하는 건 당연해: It stands to reason.
2. stand (이미 했던 제안, 결정 등이 아직도) 유효하다/변함없다 My offer still stands.
I'd love to join you for a drink if the invitation still stands.
<제 제안은 그대롭니다> The job offer still stands. Think about it and let me know.
3. Time stands still. 시간이 멈춰버린 것 같아. -캠브릿지 사전: When time stands still, everything around you seems to stop.
It's like time has stood still in this room.
4. stand (~에 대한 특정한) 입장이다/의견을 가지고 있다 -Collins 사전: If you ask someone where or how they stand on a particular issue, you are asking them what their attitude or view is. Where do you stand on ~? Where do you stand on this issue? 이 사안에 대해서 어떤 입장인가요?
- Where do you stand on it? - Strongly pro.
You know where I stand on this. 이 문제에 있어서 내 생각(입장)이 어떤지 너는 알잖아. Andy, you know where I stand on this.
How are things going on your end? Everything looks good on my end. Nothing changes on your end.
I know things are a little more complicated on your end. *things 상황 I just thought you should know where I stand.
I know where I stand, and I know where you stand.
5. stand ~하게 될 상황/입장이다 -Collins 사전: If you stand to gain something, you are likely to gain it. If you stand to lose something, you are likely to lose it.
They stand to lose a lot of money. They stand to gain a lot of money.
They stand to lose a lot of money if things go south. *things go south 상황이 나빠지면 -롱맨 사전: If a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, If becomes very bad although it was once very good.
They stand to make a lot of money from this investment.
*make a fortune -옥스포드 사전: acquire great wealth by one's own efforts.
*cost a fortune -macmillan 사전: to cost a lot of money
<엄청 비쌌겠네> It must have cost a fortune.
6. It stands to reason ~라고 판단하는 건 당연해/~하는 건 당연한 이치야 -macmillan 사전: used for saying that something is obvious because it is what most sensible people would expect. *reason (논리적 근거에 따라) 판단하다, 추리/추론하다
I was told that there will be some changes across the board, and it stands to reason that that will apply to us, too. *across the board 전체적으로/전반에 걸쳐