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Fake Meat! 

 연구에 따르면 미국인이 일년에 섭취하는 소고기의 양은 50-60 파운드로 꾸준한 소비량을 보이고 있다고 합니다. 환경을 위해 우리가 소고기를 줄일 수 있다면 가장 효과적인데요. 그것은 쉬운 일이 아닙니다. 그래서 그 대안으로 최근 몇 년간, Fake Meat 제품이 많아지고 있습니다. 하지만 Fake Meat이 환경에 더 좋고, 우리 건강에도 더 좋을까요? Fake Meat은 원래 소고기보다 훨씬 더 비쌉니다. 흥미있는 주제입니다. 오늘 팟캐스트에서 같이 살펴봅니다. 


WOODS: OK, so we know why this fake meat is more expensive than the real thing. But here's the big question. Is the process of making this fake meat really better for the environment, and is it really healthier for us?


HERSHIPS: Oh, my God, Darian, I was honestly hoping you were not going to ask that.


WOODS: (Laughter) I'm sorry.


HERSHIPS: It's a really tough question to answer. Company information is proprietary. I checked with all kinds of environmental experts. And there just hasn't been a ton of peer-reviewed studies done yet. So it seems like research is leaning towards this is going to be a win for health and the environment. But I know a question we can answer right now, which is, how does it taste compared to the real thing?


-Holy Cow, It's Fake Meat! 본문내용 

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NPR The Indicator from Planet Money

Holy Cow, It's Fake Meat!


*단어구문 정리

Holy cow 세상에나, 대단하군요, 설마, 에구머니,
                 어쩌면, 이거 참, 이런(저런), 아(어!)(놀람, 곤혹 따위를 나타내는 외침)

bottom line 핵심, 요점

at the point of ...하려는 순간에

irreversible (이전 상태로) 되돌릴[철회할]수 없는, 회복할 수 없는, 역전 불가능한
methane 메탄

plant-based 식물성의, 식물 위주의, 야채 위주의

when it comes to ~에 관한 한
afoot 계획 중인, 진행 중인
slaughter (가축을) 도살[도축]하다 butcher
tens of dollars 수십 달러
epiphany 깨달음, 직관 통찰
take sth out of the equation ~을 계산에서 빼다, ~을 고려대상에서 제외하다
proverbial 소문이 나 있는, 유명한, 속담에도 나오는
sizzle (기름에 굽거나 튀기는 음식이) 지글지글하는 소리를 내다

on top of ~뿐 아니라[~외에]

pay off 보람이 있다, 성공하다[성과를] 올리다
a handful of 소수의
dilute (효과 등을) 약화시키다[희석시키다], 묽게 하다 water down
a fraction of ~의 일부
R&D 연구개발 research & development
scale up (크기, 규모를) 확대하다[늘리다]
drive 몰아넣다, 몰다
proprietary 등록[전매] 상표가 붙은, 소유주[자]의
peer-reviewed studies 동료 검토 연구
on the count of three... 셋 세면 가는 거야, 하나 둘 셋 할게요


*주요 문장정리 


You probably heard about the scary climate report that came from the U.N. recently. If you didn't, bottom line, we are at the point of no return.


Which is pretty amazing or pretty disgusting, depending on your viewpoint. 


But when it comes to plant-based meat, there's something strange afoot. 


So all of the things we're giving throughout their life - they are not going to be translated into food.


No one needs to convince anyone to eat meat and that meat is good.


And a lot of companies have recently started cracking this code, turning plant matter into something that even a suspicious 9-year-old would not know was not the real thing.


And if you're thinking maybe lack of competition is keeping prices high, no. 


There's a lengthy shopping list of huge corporations all getting into the fake game.


Research and development comes with a big cost, but it's paying off.


And that becomes a fraction of a cent, whereas for plant-based, being such a small market for now, the R&D cost and the production cost is still not diluted as it is for the meat.


And he says as climate change makes water more scarce and we need more sources of food, he says it's going to drive the price of meat even higher.




팟캐스트 대본 

Holy Cow, It's Fake Meat!.docx



팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러 가기 


Holy Cow, It's Fake Meat!


Holy Cow, It's Fake Meat! : The Indicator from Planet Money

In recent years, meat alternatives have grown in popularity. But they remain more expensive than the real thing. Why?



[NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화] - 팟캐스트로 영어회화 공부하면 좋은 점


팟캐스트로 영어회화 공부하면 좋은 점

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[NPR 팟캐스트 목록과 공부방법] - NPR 팟캐스트 영어공부 리스트


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