
추천미드 영어회화 공부 


*housebreak  배변훈련

You can't housebreak those dogs.

What does that have to do with anything? 그게 도대체 무슨 상관이죠?

You mean, your intent on acquiring one of these championship stock is to turn it into a household pet?

you're gonna need a travel crate for the show dog.

*sleep on (하룻밤 자면서) 시간을 가지고 신중히 생각하다. 심사숙고하다

I think we have to sleep on it.

We're gonna sleep on it, and we'll give you a call tomorrow. 

*well off 부유한, 잘사는 (=rich), 사정[형편]이 좋은

We're very well off.

Okay, look, I can't commit to Friday.

*turn someone on ~를 흥분시키다, 설레게 하다

That doesn't turn me on.

*undermine 약화시키다

You told Max, which completely undermines us making the decision on our own.

* point taken 알겠다[당신 말이 옳다](자신을 반대·비판하는 상대방의 의견을 받아들일 때 하는 말) 

You know what, point taken.

*sabotage 방해행위, 방해하다

You sabotaged the interview on purpose.

*Gestapo (나치 독일의) 비밀 국가 경찰

*Within reason=reasonable 당연한, 합당한

Within reason that you ask to get that dog.

You said I'd get anything I want?


미드영어 Parenthood 시즌 4 대본 Day 1


미드영어 Parenthood 시즌 4 대본 Day 1

추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 2화 This really drives me nuts.*a royal pain in the ass 골칫거리I also know what a royal pain in the ass having a puppy can be.Research shows that this dog would be good for Max as a companion. 




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