


Zombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans' homes


*out of blue 난데없이, 갑자기 

They can't just call you up out of the blue and demand money. 

*freedom of information (정부 보유) 정보 열람의 자유

So we kept digging - filed freedom of information requests.

*dormant 휴면기의, 활동을 중단한

We found at least 500 people facing foreclosure from what appear to be long, dormant zombie second mortgages.

*cryptic 수수께끼 같은, 아리송한

And companies with more cryptic names like BCMB1 Trust, FirstKey, LLC, and ARC Private Equity. 

*niche 아주 편한[꼭 맞는] 자리[역할/일 등] , (시장의) 틈새

David occupies a particular niche in all this. 

I'm not looking to take anybody's home. I want to make that clear. 

*run-up (중요 행사의) 준비[준비 기간]

The zombie mortgage problem was created during the run-up to the financial crisis of 2008.

*default (특히 채무를) 이행하지[변제하지] 않다, 체납하다

People started to default on their mortgages.

*on the brink of …의 직전에

*go under 가라앉다, 도산[파산]하다

Morgan Stanley was on the brink of going under. 

*putt-putt golf - miniature golf

We were playing literally putt-putt golf on a trading desk for about six weeks.

*putt-putt golf - miniature golf

We all knew it was gonna happen. It was a matter of when.

The mortgage industry was wrecked. 

*on fire sale 폭탄 세일

They were on fire sale. 

There is a great opportunity to have a good business.

*explicitly 명쾌하게

She says she'd been told explicitly that she didn't need to worry about that second mortgage.

*dodgy 의심스러운, 부실한, 위태로운

They were throwing bundles of dodgy mortgages overboard.

*aha moment  아하 하는 깨달음의 순간

I had the aha moment. 

*relentless 끈질긴

Once they come back to life, they are relentless. 

*cower 몸을 숙이다, 웅크리다

You can cower in your home.



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Zombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans' homes : Planet Money

Karen McDonough of Quincy, Mass., was enjoying her tea one morning in the dining room when she saw something odd outside her window: a group of people gathering on her lawn. A man with a clipboard told her that her home no longer belonged to her. It didn't




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