
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 3화 


I'd just like a few minutes to myself.

I'm eating ice cream straight out of the container…

*perpetuate 영구화하다, 영속시키다

I’m just perpetuating it. 

I am gonna ace this.

*ageism 노인차별

Well, it was ageism, that much is clear.

*go through the roof 치솟다[급등하다], 최고에 달하다, 분통을 터뜨리다, 발끈하다 

I remember our insurance went through the roof.

You're telling me.

*smooching 애무

I mean, do a little smooching?

*grind 열심 (몰입, 노력, 전념, 집중)

Just relax me before I get into the grind of the test.

Hey, it's quarter to ten.

I just really want to have it taken care of and show him I can get the job done.

*apprenticeship 수습 기간, 수습직

*apprentice [əˈprentɪs] 수습생, 도제, 수습생[도제]으로 삼다 

Start your apprenticeship.

I would like you to be my apprentice.

*roll off one's back 무시하고 그냥 넘어가다

Let this thing with Adam just roll off your back

He's crazy, okay, and he goes through these little moods, but I'm sure it's nothing serious, okay?

Have you scheduled your surgery yet?

What are you waiting for?

He never once screened my calls.

What didn't you like about him?

*dismissive 무시하는

It was just dismissive…

*relentlessly 가차없이

He's like this relentlessly positive person who can fix everything.

Here's the thing. The bad thing is already happening.


미드영어 영어회화 페어런트후드 대본 시즌 4 Day 1


미드영어 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4 Day 1

추천미드 영어공부 페어런트후드  I can get whatever I want, and no one can say no to me.They took it away last June.Man, chill out.What kind of a way is that to run a practice?It's just the way it is.*a dead giveaway 명백한 증거Your hai




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