
추천미드 영어공부 페어런트후드 


I can get whatever I want, and no one can say no to me.

They took it away last June.

Man, chill out.

What kind of a way is that to run a practice?

It's just the way it is.

*a dead giveaway 명백한 증거

Your hair's a dead giveaway.

*after a while 잠시 후

Plus the husbands stop coming after a while.

*lumpectomy 유방 절제술, 유방암 수술법

I know that this is, like, really last minute.

Our wedding is less than a week away.

*candid (사진이) 자연스러운 모습 그대로 찍은, 솔직한

Yeah, candid. So, like, pictures of me getting ready before the ceremony...

It's not in the book. I'm taking a personal day on Saturday.

You're gonna have to learn life is not fair. 

Hey, don't tell your parents I said any of that, all right?

That's what I'm doing is pulling over.

I'm getting it.

Are you aware that your driver's license expired more than a year ago?

Couldn't you just give me a warning this time?


페어런트후드 시즌 4, 3화 대본

Parenthood S04E03.pdf


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