
NPR Podscst

Life Kit

To prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love 


We want to make sure we're following them at least once a year, for sure.

*diffract 꺾다, 회절시키다, 분산시키다

The light's getting diffracted into a lot of different points. 

All combined, that prescription should be able to give you good, clear, hopefully 20/20 vision.

*arbitrarily 자의적으로, 독단적으로

This is all arbitrarily set.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there.

I was avoiding using my glasses for fear of becoming too dependent on them.

I'm constantly forgetting to put my glasses on.

It's not going to cause any lasting damage.

*break something down (열거나 하기 위해) ~을 부수다, (감정·태도를) 깨부수다[허물어뜨리다], ~을 나누다[분류하다] 

Let's break down what can change the quality of your vision.

Some conditions, like cataracts, can be age-related.

 *delve (무엇을 찾으려고 가방 등을) 뒤지다 (=dig) 

 *delve into …을 철저하게 조사하다, (더 많은 것을 알아내기 위해) ~을 캐다 

There's one more, which we've kind of delved into already. 

I can be pretty certain you have at least one of them within arms reach.

*fall under …의 영향을 받다; …의 관할[지배] 아래 들어가다, …의 책임이다, …의 범위[부류]에 들어가다, …에 해당되다 

*fall under this umbrella 이 범주에 속하다, 이 범주에 해당하다

So all that screen time we were talking about definitely falls under this umbrella. 

*hyperbolic 과장된, 쌍곡선의

This might sound a little hyperbolic, but there's a lot of science backing this up, especially when it comes to young eyes.


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To prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love 


COMIC: To prevent digital eye strain, give those peepers a little love : Life Kit

You can strain your eyes if you stare at a screen for too long, say eye doctors — and that can cause eye fatigue, headaches and blurry vision. Nip those symptoms in the bud with these eye care tips.




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