
NPR Podscst

Life Kit

To prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love 


Blinking is a lot more important than you think it is.

People don’t come in saying, I have dry eyes. They come in oftentimes saying, my eyes hurt, or my vision is blurred. 

I stand corrected. 제가 잘못 알았네요. 

*artificial tears 인공 눈물

You could keep artificial tears handy.

I sleep in my contacts all the time.

*replicate 모사하다, 복제하다

It really is setting up the perfect environment for all these microorganisms to grow and replicate.

*up-to-date  현대식의, 최신 유행의
They don't have an up-to-date glasses prescription.

*bugaboo 무서운 것

Another bugaboo for eye doctors? Makeup.

It’s important not to try and stretch the timing of them.

My ethnicity is Indian.

I was pretty loosey-goosey about this before.

Look it up if you dare.

Actually following the expiration dates on your mascara and other eye makeup. 

When it comes to healthy practices

What in the middle of the school science am I looking at right now?

*digress 다른 말을 하기 시작하다

No idea why it's necessary to be in Latin, but I digress.

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To prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love 


COMIC: To prevent digital eye strain, give those peepers a little love : Life Kit

You can strain your eyes if you stare at a screen for too long, say eye doctors — and that can cause eye fatigue, headaches and blurry vision. Nip those symptoms in the bud with these eye care tips.





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