
NPR Podscst

Life Kit

To prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love 


*come to mind 생각이 떠오르다

When you think about eye health, this is usually the image that comes to mind - right?

*astigmatism [əˈstɪɡmətɪzəm] 난시

*nearsighted 근시의

*come in through …을 통해 들어가다

Eighty percent of what we learn about the world comes in through our visual pathway. 

So eye care is so much bigger than just a prescription or an annual eye exam. 

And we'll set our sights on daily practices to strengthen and enjoy our vision.

To give your eyes the rest they need, take lots of breaks and be mindful of your visual space.

*seemingly 겉보기에, 외견상으로

*genesis 시작, 기원, 발생, 유래

My seemingly endless scrolling and surfing throughout my day was actually the genesis for this episode - phones and iPads and TVs and laptops.

*culprit 범인, (문제를 일으킨) 장본인 

Screens are a potential culprit here.

*lazy eyes 사시(斜視), 사팔뜨기; 약시(弱視)(amblyopia)

 *convergence [kənvə́:rdƷəns(i)] 한 점으로 집합함, 집중성(opp. divergence), 수렴

So convergence is for our eyes to pull together to look at something that's close.

*fret 조마조마하다

*catchy 기억하기 쉬운

 But there's no need to fret. We've got solutions for you. The first one is catchy. 

Then there's blue light. This is a super hot topic in the eye world.

*retina [ ˈretənə ] (눈의) 망막

*cataract [ ˈkætərækt ] 백내장/ glucoma 녹내장

*macula 망막황반, 각막백반

*ultraviolet  자외선의

*get in the way 방해되다[방해하다] 

So if blue light from a computer screen is in your sleep space, it might interrupt your bedtime routine just like a lot of sunshine might get in the way of a nap.

+) I don’t want to get in the way during your family gathering.

     가족들 모임에 내가 끼는 것이 좀 그렇다.

But other than that, it's not really something to worry about.

*come down to 결국 ~이 되다, ~에 이르다 

It comes down to the fact that, when we are on devices, whether it be a computer or a phone or a tablet, we tend not to blink as much, and we are focusing up close for many hours at a time.


You can strain your eyes if you stare at a screen for too long, say eye doctors — and that can cause eye fatigue, headaches and blurry vision. 

Ophthalmologist Dr. Rupa Wong and optometrist Dr. Valerie Lam explain how to avert those symptoms with 5 eye care tips.


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To prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love 


COMIC: To prevent digital eye strain, give those peepers a little love : Life Kit

You can strain your eyes if you stare at a screen for too long, say eye doctors — and that can cause eye fatigue, headaches and blurry vision. Nip those symptoms in the bud with these eye care tips.








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