
NPR Podcast


What's with all the tiny soda cans? And other grocery store mysteries, solved.


The name of that game is "price pack architecture." This is the idea that you shouldn't just sell your product in one or two sizes. You should sell your product in a whole range of different sizes, at a whole range of different price points. Over the past 15 years, price pack architecture has completely changed how products are marketed and sold in the United States.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기


What's with all the tiny soda cans? And other grocery store mysteries, solved. : Planet Money

There's a behind the scenes industry that helps big brands decide questions like: How big should a bag of chips be? What's the right size for a bottle of shampoo? And yes, also: When should a company do a little shrinkflation? From Cookie Monster to Presid





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