영어회화 팟캐스트 원어민 영어스터디 DAY 3
NPR Podcast
1. Research into the root of wealth and poverty among nations wins Economics Nobel Prize
*puzzle over ~에 머리를 썩히다, ~를 고심하다
Economists have puzzled over why some countries grow rich while others stay poor.
*remnant 나머지, 자투리
It was impossible not to see the remnants of a former slave plantation society.
*exploitation 착취, 부당한 이용, (토지·석유 등의) 개발
*expropriation 징발, 수용
What our research showed is that an enormous amount of inequality in the world has been caused by the exploitation and expropriation of Indigenous people and the types of colonial societies that were created over the past 500 years.
*autocratic 전제군주같은
*bent on 열중하고 있는, 기를 쓰고 하는, ~에 열심인
They were more autocratic, bent on extracting wealth for a narrow elite.
While that history is instructive, it doesn't have to be binding.
*managed to ~하도록 애쓰다
South Korea, managed to escape their authoritarian past and prosper.
China is something of an outlier in this story.
*foster 조성하다, 발전시키다
Elections can foster conflict.
*deliver the goods 제 할 일을 하다
And many people have grown skeptical that democracy can deliver the goods.
*all-time 역대, 지금까지
*be at an all-time low 역대 최저 수준이다
That support for democracy among the population is at an all-time low.
*high ground 우위, 유리한 지위나 입장
To regain the high ground
*suck somebody in (어떤 일에) ~를 끌어들이다, 흡수하다, 빨아들이다
The willingness of the United States to absorb immigrants and suck in talent and energy and creativity from all over the world is one of the secrets of its success.
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Research into the root of wealth and poverty among nations wins Economics Nobel Prize
NPR Podcast
2. More than 250,000 subscribers have left 'Washington Post' over withheld endorsement
*withhold ~주는 것을 보류하다 (=keep back)
*endorse (공개적으로) 지지하다, (유명인이 광고에 나와서 특정 상품을) 보증[홍보]하다
It announced it would not endorse any candidate in the race for the White House.
*stand at (~의 수준에) 이르다, ~를 나타내다
That figure stands at more than that.
*desert (어떤 장소를) 버리다[떠나다] (=abandon)
Subscribers keep deserting the Washington Post.
*have something on one’s hands 논쟁거리가 있다
How big a problem does the Washington Post have on its hands here?
*debacle 대실패, 큰 낭패
It will go down as a historic moment - a kind of debacle.
*direct knowledge 직접 경험한 것
The numbers that I reported came from two people with direct knowledge.
*a number of times 몇번이고
*calamity 재앙
It's something of a calamity for them.
*outcry (대중들의) 격렬한 항의
It led to a series of resignations and outcry.
*perilous 아주 위험한
He is essentially a perilous threat to the American democratic experiment.
*even-steven [구어] 대등한, 동점인, 쌤쌤이야. 퉁쳐! (공평하게, 빚진 것 없이) 쌤쌤이다
*rue 후회하다
*fester 곪아 터지다, 훨씬 심해지다
An endorsement would fester perception of bias.
*buy (into) (특히 다른 많은 사람들이 믿는) ~을 믿다
Is the staff of The Post buying that reasoning?
*dissent (공식적으로 인정되는 것에 대한) 반대 ; 반대하다
The staff posted their own dissents online.
*myriad 무수함, 무수히 많음
They point to Bezos' myriad business interests that you've mentioned.
*counterargument 반론
What's the counterargument?
*presumably 아마, 짐작컨데
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More than 250,000 subscribers have left 'Washington Post' over withheld endorsement