NPR 팟캐스트 대본 영어회화 영어스터디 DAY 1
NPR Podcast
Life Kit
What to do when your house floods
Last week, Hurricane Milton slammed into Florida with torrential rain, dangerous wind and storm surge.
There are still six weeks left in hurricane season.
*aftermath (전쟁·사고 등의) 여파[후유증]
This episode is for anyone who's dealing with the aftermath of a flood in their home.
*catalog 목록을 작성하다, 목록에 싣다, 분류하다; 목록, 카탈로그, 일람표
We're still in the midst of hurricane season.
*be on the lookout for ~을 예의주시하고 있다. ~에 주의를 기울이다, 조심하다
Be on the lookout for downed trees, downed power lines.
*electrocute 감전사시키다, 전기 처형하다
It can electrocute you.
*sewage 하수, 오물
*if at all possible 가능하면
*stay put (있던 자리에) 그대로[가만히] 있다
if you're on the second floor of a house or a building, that's the place to stay put.
Just to make sure everything is safe to use.
*premises [ˈpremɪsɪz] (한 사업체가 소유·사용하는 건물이 딸린) 부지[지역], 구내, (주장의) 전제
You're allowed to go back into the premises.
Blast the AC and get air flow going.
*document (상세한 내용을) 기록하다 ; 동사 서류로 입증하다[뒷받침하다]
How should you be documenting the damage?
People who rent as opposed to buy often face really unique challenges after this kind of disaster.
*recoup (쓰거나 분실한 돈을) 되찾다[회복시키다/만회하다]
*displaced 집 없는; 국외로 추방된, 유민[난민]의; 본거지를 잃은, 집을 잃은, 이재민이 된
There are a lot of people who have been displaced.
*window 순간, 시간, 기간, 기회
You have a 60-day window to file a claim.
He sort of jotted this list down.
Millions of people were impacted by this.
*get ahead of [경쟁자 따위]를 앞지르다(surpass), …을 능가하다(outdo), [빚]을 갚다, 청산하다; [일 따위]를 제때 처리하다
So get ahead of this early if you can.
*FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
*shoulder (책임 등을) (양 어깨에) 짊어지다, 떠맡다, 받아들이다
They have to shoulder the costs of the disaster on their own.
*the course of one’s life 인생행로
It could change the course of their life.
So understanding the risk is a starting point.
*downpour 폭우
The downpours can be more intense.
*go bag (재난 시의) 비상대피용 가방
You should pack in your go bag for a natural disaster.
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What to do when your house floods