스터디 진행/NPR Podcast

영어회화 NPR 팟캐스트 영어공부 DAY 2

스피킹 2024. 10. 22. 20:29

NPR Podcast

Life Kit

I ditched plastic for a week. Here's what I learned


*ditch 멀리하다

I ditched plastic for a week.

+) She is sus. But I cannot ditch her out of sudden.

    그 사람 쎄해. 근데 갑자기 멀리할 수는 없어.

Plastic is everywhere, and for good reason.

Plastic has really advanced what we can do in our culture.

She says plastic is bad for the environment since a lot of it ends up as pollution.

*break down into ~로 분해하다

*leach 침출되다, 침출시키다

Plastic breaks down into microplastics, and chemicals leach out of it.

Almost all of the burden is on the consumer.

She gave herself a challenge to cut out single-use plastics for one week.

The more I reported, the more I realized that plastic is very not good for health.

*embark on ~에 착수하다

You embarked on a plastic-free week.

*go about something ~을 하기 시작하다, ~을 (처리)하다

How did you go about that? 

+) I want to ask him out, but I don’t know how to go about it.

    그에게 데이트 신청을 하고 싶은데 막상 어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠어.

I also carried with me a tote bag.

*throughout the course of a day/ the week/ the book 하루에도/일주일 내내/이야기가 진행되면서

Single-use plastic items ran out throughout the course of the week.

Two things kind of seamlessly fit into my routine.

*downtime 휴식 시간, 여유

I really didn't have that much downtime.

+) I need a little downtime after last week!

    나 지난주에 힘들었으니 좀 쉬어야 돼!

For somebody who's busy and has a job, it's not the most convenient thing to do.

*scour 샅샅이 뒤지다, 꼼꼼이 돌아다니다

I had to scour the grocery stores for ingredients.

+) I like to scour thrift stores to look for vintage items and collectibles.

  중고가게에서 빈티지 제품이나 수집품을 득템하는 재미가 쏠쏠해요.

*PLU: Product Lookup Code (제품 검색 코드) 식료품점에서 제품을 식별하기 위해 사용하는 코드

I wrote down the PLU. I wrote down the weight of the jar before and after filling it with almonds.

The cashier rang it up.

*hold up something ~을 지연시키다, 방해하다

I held up the line.

It took about five minutes to just figure this out.

+) He is holding up the line.

   그가 줄을 지연시키고 있다.

There are three people behind me, and I'm feeling so self-conscious.

*defeated the purpose of ~의 목적을 무의미하게 만들다

Threw the bag away, and then poured them back into my jar, which, like, defeated the purpose of bringing my own jar in the first place.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기 

I ditched plastic for a week. Here's what I learned


I ditched plastic for a week. Here's what I learned : Life Kit

Plastic isn't great for your health or the planet. Here's what NPR's Claire Murashima learned from avoiding single-use plastics for a week.
