스터디 진행/NPR Podcast

리스닝 스피킹 영어회화 스터디 NPR 팟캐스트 DAY 3

스피킹 2024. 9. 25. 17:00

NPR 팟캐스트


Ilyon Woo's new book explores the relentless pursuit of freedom


We have the story of a divided nation between states that banned slavery and states that embraced it.

*complexion 피부색

*light complexion 밝은 피부색

She had inherited a very light complexion.

She dawns the outfit of a wealthy white male enslaver.

*accouterment 의복, 장신구

All the accouterments of gentlemanhood in this period.

*poultice [|poʊltɪs] 찜질[습포]제

She has poultices that she wears on her face.

So it's hiding both the lack of hair on her face that would give her away.

And it's also hiding her feelings especially with the eyes covered up as well.

*harness 이용하다, 동력화하다

She gradually learned throughout the journey how to harness that fear.

*tumultuous 격동의

It was an incredibly tumultuous time.

There’s a democratic revolts going on all over the world

*revolt 반란, 봉기, 저항

he's had a strange intuition that something is off.

*draw on 이용하다, 활용하다

What they do is a draw on their own experiences having attended an agricultural and educational cooperative in England.

*mark on 주목하다

She's been marking on just the unbelievable transformation and opportunity that she has on the same grounds where she experienced so much pain.

For me, that's been an ongoing inspiration.

I hope the story will be inspirational for people of all ages and all colors, all backgrounds.

I was exposed to so many different American histories and international histories and it felt to me like all of these things can and did coexist at once.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문기사 보러가기 

Ilyon Woo's new book explores the relentless pursuit of freedom