NPR 팟캐스트 리스닝 스피킹 영어회화 DAY 2
NPR 팟캐스트
1) Hearing aids may boost longevity, study finds. But only if used regularly
They may also be putting themselves at heightened risk of everything from depression to dementia.
Wearing hearing aids may even boost longevity.
Her hearing was very good in one ear.
*the forefront of ~의 맨 앞
She's also at the forefront of new research.
*on the heels of ~ 직후에, ~에 이어서, ~에 따라서
*stave off 비키다, 피하다, 간신히 모면하다
On the heels of a study showing that the use of hearing aids may help stave off cognitive decline.
+) On the heels of graduating from college, I decided to travel around Europe.
대학 졸업 직후, 나는 유럽 여행을 떠나기로 결정했다.
+) On the heels of her promotion, she bought a new car.
승진 직후, 그녀는 새 차를 샀다.
+) We need to help this species stave off extinction.
우리는 이 동물 종의 멸종을 막는 데 도움을 주어야 한다.
+) White blood cells stave off infection and disease.
백혈구는 감염과 질병을 막아 준다
Meaning they were significantly less likely to die prematurely.
The study does not prove cause and effect.
*longevity boost 수명연장
It could be that people who become regular users of hearing aids are more likely to stave off isolation and stay more active, which could explain the longevity boost.
*consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv] 연속적, 일관된
*acclimate [ˈækləmeɪt] 적응하다, 익숙해지다
She recommends new users wear them every day for 30 consecutive days to acclimate.
She is pointing to the importance of habitual use.
*stigma 치욕, 오명, 낙인, 증표
You’re not using them due to stigma or maybe just the annoyance of getting used to them.
Hearing loss is an invisible problem and it happens gradually, that it takes time for you to get used to hearing aids and then get benefit from it.
NPR 팟캐스트 원문기사 보러가기
Hearing aids may boost longevity, study finds. But only if used regularly
2) The push to have seniors age in their homes, not hospitals
It's when you officially gain status as a senior.
*nestle 아늑하게 자리잡다. snuggle
One of her dogs nestles beside her.
She relied entirely on her husband for support.
There's a name for this. It's called hospital-acquired disability.
*spiral 나선형
*snowball 빠른 속도로 커지는 것
The mental health goes down. The physical health goes down. You just start to kind of spiral and snowball.
She says the program's goal is to break that downward spiral before it begins.
Keeping a meticulously clean home is very important, but she can no longer deep clean with her health issues.
NPR 팟캐스트 원문기사 보러가기
The push to have seniors age in their homes, not hospitals