스터디 진행/NPR Podcast

NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 DAY 1

스피킹 2024. 9. 23. 19:06

NPR Podcast


Suffs highlights styles of activism among women who fought for equal rights


*suffs = suffragist 참정권 확장론자

*suffrage 참정권

*rear 양육하다 nurture

We reared you, cheered you, helped you when you fell.

There's Alice Paul, an eager radical in her 20s.

*meek 복종적인

*pawn (장기의) 졸, (더 힘 있는 사람의 손에 좌우되는) 노리개

I don't want to be a meek, little pawn.

*anti-lynching 폭력적인 사적 제재에 반대하는

Ida B. Wells, a journalist and anti-lynching and civil rights activist.

How many more whipped and shot like slaves?

When it came to winning the right to vote, their strategies clashed.

*deed (보통 아주 좋거나 아주 나쁜) 행위[행동] (=act)

Deeds, not words, says the button on your jacket.

I'm so sick of rhetoric with no action to back it.

*delegation 위임, 대표단

*conviction 강한 신념, 유죄판결

I think she was really, actually willing to die for her convictions.

*burst out of …에서 뛰어나오다, 막 졸업하다

I was busting out of college.

*bravado 허세

This sort of youthful bravado is necessary for a movement to have.

*militant 공격적인 aggressive

They remained militant.

*pacifist [ˈpæsɪfɪst] 평화[반전]주의자

*pragmatist 실용주의자

Catt, though she was very much an idealist and a pacifist, she was also a pragmatist at this point in her life.

*effigy 인형

*hunger strikes 단식투쟁

*force-fed 강제로 먹이다

They went on hunger strikes and were force-fed.

*resonated with me 공감되다. 감정이입이 되다

+) Resonated with me! 완전 공감!

+) That line really resonated with me.

+) It resonated with me immediately.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기 

Suffs highlights styles of activism among women who fought for equal rights


'Suffs highlights styles of activism among women who fought for equal rights

As Americans celebrate the day that gave white men life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the Broadway musical Suffs explores the styles of activism used by Alice Paul, Ida B. Wells and others.
