스터디 진행/Parenthood

미드영어 페어런트후드 대본 S04E10 Day 1

스피킹 2024. 9. 16. 20:13

추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 10화


Get your day started out right.

That has my name on it.

*click (불현듯) 딱 분명해지다[이해가 되다], 즉각 좋아하게 되다, 마음이 통하다; 인기를 얻다

It clicked, to me, of course.

*floor 어안이 벙벙하게 만들다, 당황하다, 쩔쩔매다

I'm totally floored.

*lad 사내야, 젊은 청년

*I'm pulled into ~에 끼어들게 되다, 끌려들어가다 (자신의 의지와 상관없이 어떤 상황에 참여하게 되었음

So suddenly I'm pulled into this conversation with the lads, very mellow…

+) I'm sorry you got pulled into all this.

There's something happening outside. I need to pull you away for one second.

*troubadour 음유시인

He's a troubadour. You can't tow a troubadour.

*vile [vaɪl] 극도로 불쾌한[나쁜], 비도덕적인, 절대 용납할 수 없는 (=wicked)

This horse-faced vile creature, did she put you up to this?

Pick it up at the lot off of Valencia. Cash only.

Give it a shot, you can do it. Come on.

But we did the first three that way, and this one's your turn.

*denominator (수학) 분모

Make sure the denominators are the same.

Baseball's not for over an hour.

야구는 한 시간 이상 남았어.

You're trying to make it okay.

*lousy 안좋은, 엉망인

*fiancée 약혼녀/ fiancé 약혼남

You're just a lousy fiancée.


페어런트후드 시즌 4, 10화 대본


Parenthood S04E10.pdf